Advice for the idea stage
How can I tell if I am “founder material”? Listen to this podcast and know these things WILL happen to you. After that you will know if you are an entrepreneur or a wantepreneur?
Am I good at Waiting? It is excruciating
Do I really want to be a startup founder?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Advice for raising capital
How can I trust someone with my secrets?
How to pick which VC to partner with?
What NOT to do with your pitch deck?
Through what Lenses I am evaluating your startup?
Why VCs ask these diligence questions? To know how hot your startup is – Download Excel model – opens in Read-Only mode
When to raise money or accelerate? Check the POCA Curve
Is your startup a Feature, Product or Company?
Advice for running a startup
Starting a company? It’s like starting a fire
Want to stop team arguments and seed a culture? Publish your House Rules
What should your board deck look like? the right level of detail
What to do during a crisis? Survive, then thrive.
Preserve your cash like oxygen on Mars
Why do I need a strategy?
Advice for product management
How to get your product MVP to market fast? Run an Innovative Software Factory
Waterfall? Agile? Neither? – The Product Script
How to fit in and stand out?
Meet the market where it is
Splitting user stories – the hamburger method
Don’t come with problems, come with solutions
Advice for sales
Sales are slumping? Is it a Market, Product or Sales Execution issue?
No customer wants to “be first”? Are you facing the First Penguin Syndrome?
The parallels between fishing and sales
Negotiating a contract? Get to know the Deal Breakers
How to get anyone to talk to you?
Pitching your product
Pitching your product – Take 2
Keep your demo short
Feel free to use my prayer to the Demo God, and others
Advice for Startup Nation founders
Startup Nation founder pitching in Silicon Valley? Watch this video:
Startup Nation founder pitching in Silicon Valley? Read this deck
Startup Nation founder pitching in Silicon Valley? What not to do:
Advice for Management
— Handling the stress —
Work/life balance issues? See this 4 parameter equation
Need a vacation? Learn about taking proper vacations
Video about the 4 parameter equation and taking proper vacations
Your team messed up? Just ask questions to say what you mean
The stress is getting to you? Try to limit the time you are “on”
Advice for first-time founder/CEO
— How to keep your sanity —
Why didn’t you fire this person?
Why you should fire this person? It’s part of winning
Do you really need to take this meeting?
Who is your real friend? Someone who shares bad news
Only people who never been CEO want to be one
Considering hiring a CEO? Read So You Want To Hire a CEO
Considering hiring a CEO? The Deck
No prophet is accepted in his hometown
You can do anything if you don’t care who gets the credit
New prayers for the 21st Century
How to test if I am happy?
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